A very personal cord cutting

A very personal cord cutting

This is my personal cord cutting story. This is here for your self-reflection.


In 2011, I was working out of my home. A large sunny room with windows on three sides. Tree views from each window. I loved my home office. It used to be my kid’s playroom. They each had their own rooms and decided that they’d prefer to be in bunkbeds, so they created their own playroom. I was grateful for the synchronicity in our space. My home was in a beautiful vibe inside and out.


The office was spacious and could accommodate 6 massage tables and chairs and 13+bodies for energy healing classes. Having classes was a blast. Meeting so many amazing humans. Each could look within themselves for answers and sought out classes like mine to practice their innate healing abilities. I learned, shared, and felt the gifts of love during those years of working from home.


My personal life wasn’t as fulfilling as my career. I was struggling with the fact that I made choices 12 years prior that weren’t for my best interest. The person I chose to marry was a controlled choice, not one done from awareness. The person I dated next was also not in my best interest, in fact it was 5 years of chaos. Making that dating choice to disrupt my home-life was impulsive and out of an unfulfilled need to be loved a certain way. Again, not using my awareness to make choices for my highest good. I was talking to God, just not waiting for guidance. I wasn't doing my part. I’m grateful for the experiences and no longer carry shame of my choices. Living in shame was just another poor, unaware choice. I didn’t stay in that shame-experience long! See, I was catching on!



So, what does all of this have to do with cord cutting? Glad you asked. In 2011 I had one of those aha moments and found myself taking a class on aromatherapy. After completing the course, I continued to create products from that knowledge and with the help of my intuition. Myself and my clients benefited from essential oils and my other aha to add crystals. We released energy, blocks, set intentions, and more.



One morning I was led to create a blend with 13 essential oils and to add some snowflake obsidian stones. As I smelled the concoction I was disgusted. It smelled t e r r i b l e. Who would want to wear this?! Then, I put it on my body. I felt so much relief and joy. Cord cutting crystal infused oil was born and there was nothing to change. I wanted to wear it all the time and hoped no one around me could smell it. I even made a few just in case someone wanted to feel the way I was feeling…but I moved them to the back of the shelf knowing a client wouldn’t like the scent. Within a year it was my biggest seller. I was perplexed why so many liked it.



Then in 2017, I was rolling the roller ball up and down my skin. After a deep inhale, I felt blissful. And then shockingly realized I loved the scent. L O V E D it! What changed? Finally ending the 2 mix-matched relationships. Yes, I even put off finalizing my divorce until after I broke up with someone that wasn’t good for me. What a tangled web I made. All to better understand my tribe, myself, and that when a crystal-infused oil doesn’t smell great…you need it even more!!



I’ve made cord cutting a part of my life. Cord cutting comes in so many forms. I’ll write more on that subject in another blog. For now, I use the oil and spray for a quick energetic release! Enjoy xoxo



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